Joimo Infusions

Servings: Approximately 7 cocktails

Can be stored indefinitely. Store in the freezer if using for gin and tonics.

Difficulty: Easy | Total Time: 10 Minutes active/5-7 hrs inactive

Servings: Approximately 7 cocktails

Can be stored indefinitely. Store in the freezer if using for gin and tonics.


  • 16 g Joimo oolong tea
  • 500 ml vodka or gin of choice

Difficulty: Easy | Total Time: 10 Minutes active/5-7 hrs inactive


  1. Infuse the tea in vodka at room temperature*
  2. Strain with a fine mesh strainer and cheese cloth
  3. Store in a glass jar in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight


Tea Infusion Time*
Joimo High Mountain Oolong 7 Hours
Firefly Oolong 7 Hours
Premium HMTN Oolong 7 Hours
Ruby Oolong 5 Hours

*Recommended infusion time varies by tea. If you are making specific cocktails that may require a stronger tea flavor, you can increase the amount of tea used. We find that infusions become bitter or astringent when steeping longer than 8 hours.



For vodka, we recommend Absolut Elyx for all-purpose and Hangar 1 for a creamier taste and mouthfeel.

For gin, we recommend Tanqueray for drinks that are bright, punchy or dry, and Citadel for more mild drinks.

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